ZHUOXING contributes its know-how knowledge in various industries, such as Garment; Shoes & Accessories; Gasket; Packaging; Advertising; Home furnishing; Automotive Interiors; Arts & Crafts; Toys; Sporting goods; Camping & Outdoor gear, etc. By offering integrated cutting solution and service in diverse industry, ZHUOXING helps clients to improve production situation and upgrade present production line to higher production capacity and better material utility. Ideal for prototyping and short run production, tackling down challenges of Customization and fast delivery. ZHUOXING gets huge success in China. ZHUOXING has been powered and will be powered by innovation and uncompromising standards in the future.
Through its emphasis laid on R& D. Innovation and refinement, ZHUOXING always stands in the forefront and leads industry trend. Along with its global network & road map, ZHUOXING's products have been exported to Europe, South Korea, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions. In the future, ZHUOXING would like to lead more national enterprises to upgrade present industry from labor-intensive productivity to quality driven innovations. Making Created-in-China product enjoys upper market level.